Reviewed by Canadian Girl Book Blog on

4 of 5 stars

A Bridge Between Us by K. K. Allen (Review)

"Live for today, Mija. You can't rewrite the past, but you can do something about right now."

A Bridge Between Us is an emotionally gripping and suspenseful small town romance about a pair of star-crossed lovers dealing with a family feud and many other obstacles that are trying to keep them apart.

Ridge comes to live with his father after his mother goes missing on the reservation. Everyone sees him as the town outcast except for Camila. As the daughter of the vineyard's owner, she is expected to be a certain way but her free spirit makes her adventurous. Even though she has been told not to associate with the family across the bridge, the pull to the boy with the dark eyes is just too strong.

A beautifully told star-crossed, slow burn romance that begins from their first meeting as children and goes through their lives as they become adults. The little suspenseful element to the book that comes as the third POV, 'The Hunter', gave more depth to the story. The connection between Ridge and Camila is so strong that it proved to be what saves them and brings them together in the end. This was my first K.K. Allen book and I will be for sure reading more of her books.

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  • 19 November, 2020: Finished reading
  • 19 November, 2020: Reviewed