Fatal Scandal by Marie Force

Fatal Scandal (Fatal, #5)

by Marie Force

As a new year dawns in the capital city, dual scandals rock the Metropolitan Police Departmentand Lieutenant Sam Holland is right in the middle of them. Her chief is catching heat for the way he handled a recent homicide investigation, and one of her detectives is accused of failing to disclose an earlier connection to the judge who decided his custody hearing. When the custody fight turns deadly and her detective has a shaky alibi, Sam must defend two of her closest colleagues. All while her husband, Vice President Nick Cappuano, settles into his new office at the White House.

Reviewed by leelu92 on

4 of 5 stars

4.5 stars
I was torn- I wanted to read it and finish it and I didn't.
I'm not a huge fan of Nick being VP. Just going to say that out loud and now he is locked into it for how ever long this term lasts. As always, I loved Nick and Sam together and how Ms. Force brings them along slowly in each book, adding layers to their sweet and very sexy marriage. I adore Scotty and his role in their sweet family.

My only gripe (?) was the whole Avery/Shelby relationship and how it was handled. I wasn't aware of the depth of their relationship and I wish the reader had been in on that development like we were with Gonzo/Christine and Freddie/Elin. I really wanted the details and the progress of Avery and Shelby's relationship. I hope we get more in the upcoming books.

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  • Started reading
  • 21 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 21 January, 2015: Reviewed