Tara Road by Maeve Binchy

Tara Road

by Maeve Binchy

2 women, 1 Irish, 1 American - set up a hme exchange business; their unlikely and touching friendship unveils secrets and changes lives. When Danny Lynch tells his wife Ria that he has a young pregnant mistress, Ria thinks that her world has ended. Little does she know that within weeks a telephone call from America will open up a whole new world for her. Marilyn Vine, escaping from her own private demons, wants to exchange her house in Westville, New England, for a house in Dublin during a few summer weeks. Ria Lynch's big Victorian house in Tara road is perfect. And so begins a wonderful story of unlikely loves and friendships, rivalries jealousy and the uncovering of secrets, as the 2 women borrow each others houses, neighbours and lives.

Reviewed by Eve1972 on

4 of 5 stars

Good read!

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  • 12 February, 2009: Reviewed