Saving His Son by Rita Herron

Saving His Son (Top Secret Babies, #2) (Intrigue S.)

by Rita Herron

Lindsey Payne's feelings for her former bodyguard had exploded in one passionate night.

But Detective Gavin McCord had no room in his life for love or family. And so Lindsey kept her pregnancy to herself, only to have her child taken from her in a sinister plot. Now, Lindsey suspected her son was somewhere close…and someone would kill to keep her from finding the truth.

When no one believed her, Lindsey turned to Gavin – and found hope. For this Gavin was not the cool, collected cop who'd left her – this was a man fighting for his child – and his woman….

Reviewed by Nadz@Totally Addicted to Reading on

4 of 5 stars

This book has been on my shelf for the longest while. I planned that this year I would try to read more of the books from my physical shelf. This would include most of the book I purchased long before I started blogging. Saving His Son by Rita Herron is one of those books.

The story began with Lindsey Payne receiving a phone call informing her that her baby was alive. Six weeks ago she gave birth but received news that her baby had died. Then to further add to the mystery she received a copy of the autopsy report which showed that baby’s blood type did not match hers or that of the father. She went searching for answers, but instead got more questions.  An attempt was made on her life, made her realise she needed professional help in obtaining answers. Who better to help her get those answers  than Detective Gavin McCord, the father of her child.

Gavin did not know he fathered a child. His relationship with Lindsey ended abruptly leaving her no chance to inform him of his impending fatherhood. Now learning he has a son, and that someone may have kidnapped him intensified his fear that his job may have been the catalyst.

I enjoyed getting to know Lynsey. She has been through a lot, but she has proven to be one tough cookie. She never gave up despite the danger she faced.

I had a wonderful time with this story. It featured several suspects, and unravelling the identity of the true villain proved a difficult task. Not only do we get the POVs of Lynsey and Gavin, we also get that of the villain. This made for a chilling read. The further I went into the story, I discovered there was more to the kidnapping than met the eye.

I had a hard time buying into the Gavin and Lynsey’s relationship. Readers are told that they had a passionate relationship and despite how it ended, they  loved each other. However, the evidence of their passion and attraction failed to shine through the pages. The emotions that leapt from the pages of this story included fear, doubts, and anger. I must say, though they worked well together in obtaining answers regarding their missing son.

I am glad I finally got the chance to read this book and would definitely read more from this author. This review was originally posted on Totally Addicted to Reading

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