Reviewed by Reese on

5 of 5 stars

This is an exceptional story that I recommend to all fans of books that are based on true stories, psychological thrillers, and even romantic suspense. The author has a strong expressive voice that shines through in her writing and words. I couldn't put this book down. The release of Dahlia Frost’s controversial novel during the pandemic allows her identity to remain concealed behind the pseudonym, Frances Slater. After measures and lockdowns begin to ease, Dahlia’s identity is revealed. Family fallouts and death threats follow. Dahlia is forced to confront her estranged relationship with her mother and her stormy breakup with Roland, her ex-boyfriend and movie star, after he comes back into her life.

I was filled with a feeling of unease as Dahlia tries to establish the source of the threats. The plot moves along at a swift pace, providing a gripping string of events. It features many other electrifying scenes including a terrifying kidnapping incident in which Dahlia comes face to face with one of the criminals behind the threats. What follows is an incredible story that one can barely believe is true. It is filled with twists and turns and so much psychological drama that readers will be immersed in its entirety until the very last page and then wish there were more. Looking forward to the next book in the series, The Whole Truth.

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  • 12 January, 2023: Reviewed