In Too Deep by Mary Connealy

In Too Deep (Kincaid Brides, #2)

by Mary Connealy

History, Romance, Humor--and Cowboys!--from Bestselling Author Mary Connealy

In 1866 Colorado, Ethan Kincaid agrees to a marriage of convenience with the same casual disregard he gives every decision. Audra Gilliland, young mother of two, accepts his proposal because she wants to stop being a burden to her newly married stepdaughter.

And suddenly both of them are in far deeper than they'd planned.

Ethan doesn't expect Audra to affect him so profoundly, and when she begins to, he's terrified of the pain he's felt before when someone he loved was seriously injured on his watch. He's determined that his new wife will do as he says so he can keep her safe from the dangers that lurk on their ranch.

Audra has been cared for all her life by one man or another--and they've done a poor job of it. Now she's planning to stand up for herself. And her new husband had better agree or get out of her way!

What will it take to transform two wayward hearts fearful of getting in too deep into two trusting hearts ready to risk falling deeply in love?

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

4 of 5 stars

I love Mary Connealy's writing. No, you don't understand, I really love her stories. Funny, romantic, serious and packed with so much stuff in a great way. I was delayed on reading this one, but I'm so glad I finally got to it. While I'm not sure I loved it as much as [b:Out of Control|9463639|Out of Control (The Kincaid Brides, #1)|Mary Connealy||14348578] because it took me a bit to get into it, I still liked it. Audra and Ethan were not my favorite characters and I'm too curious about Seth to be healthy, but reading this is a part of the overall story that I needed and wanted to experience. Without a doubt, more Mary Connealy is required. She's one of those authors that you do not even have to look at see what the book is about, go ahead and purchase it.

*Thanks to Bethany House for providing a copy for review through the Christian Fiction Blog Alliance.*

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  • Started reading
  • 8 January, 2013: Finished reading
  • 8 January, 2013: Reviewed