Dead Jealous by Sharon Jones

Dead Jealous

by Sharon Jones

People think of Mother Nature as a gentle lady. They forget that she's also Death.

Sixteen-year-old Poppy Sinclair believes in quantum particles, not tarot cards, in Dawkins, not druids. Last summer, in a boating accident in the Lake District, Poppy had a brush with death. But the girl she finds face down in Scariswater hasn't been so lucky. As she fights to discover the truth behind what she believes is murder, Poppy is forced to concede that people and things are not always what they seem and, slipping ever deeper into a web of lies, jealousy and heart-stopping danger, she comes to realise - too late - that the one thing that can save her has been right there, all the time.

Reviewed by funstm on

3 of 5 stars

Dead Jealous was good. Set at a pagan festival it had an unusual and eerie mood that I enjoyed. I liked the majority of characters and the mystery was interesting. But I felt like I missed a few bits. I don't know if it was me or the book, but there were bits and pieces that made no sense to me and caused me to feel as if there were gaps in the story. This is why my rating isn't higher. On the other hand it was interesting and kept me reading and I'll definitely pick up the next one.

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  • Started reading
  • 27 January, 2017: Finished reading
  • 27 January, 2017: Reviewed