Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

This is the first installment of the "Havoc's Crew" series, and I liked it. I sure wish it was longer, though.

The supernatural/paranormal aspect is very creative. An elemental (fire) and a bear shifter find each other, fall for each other, and help each other destroy a terrible evil...and when I say evil, I mean EVIL. It's something completely different than anything I've ever read, and I really like that.

I'm always in search of something uniqe, and I certainly got it with "Blazing Glory".

I don't want to give away too much of the plot, but I'll tell you Levi is a bear shifter that's been hired as security for a very fancy party. He's guarding something BIG, but he doesn't exactly know what. Blaze is a fire elemental, and he's also at the party. They're drawn to each other...Levi pretty much knowing that Blaze is his mate. After they meet, they are faced with that terrible evil that I mentioned, and they get separated. It takes Levi a long time to find Blaze again, and this time, he's not going to let him matter how Blaze acts. Together, they have a great chemistry, and their sex scenes are very hot. I love the way they talk. Dirty talk is a favorite thing of mine :-) Along with the smoking sex, you can tell that there is a lot of love between them. They're both very Alpha, though, so it just seems rough.

Along with Blaze and Levi, there are some good background characters. The other elementals are there...Gale and Havoc, they're boss, Heath an apprentice, and Sarah. They fit nicely into the story and are necessary. I read the second book of the series before I read this one, so I was aware of Volt and Heath already, but they are actually introduced here. I like how everyone interacts as a big family...loving but, like brothers, the guys roughhouse and fight.

As I mentioned, I really wish this book was longer...same as the second story. There is SO much that would have been awesome to read about. Blaze's back story, Levi's back story, and even Sarah's. Plus, the action here is great, and I'd have loved to have read more of. I liked this book quite a bit, but I'd have LOVED more.

Angelique Voisen is a new author to me. I've read three of her stories now, and her style is smooth and detailed. I recommend this story if you are into hot MM action, supernatural elements, and creative situations.

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  • 23 July, 2015: Reviewed