Succubus In The City by Nina Harper

Succubus In The City (Succubus, #1)

by Nina Harper

Lily has what looks like the perfect life: a fabulous day job at a fashion magazine; a killer figure she can literally never lose; and a great group of girlfriends who are always there for her. Oh, and she also just-so-happens to be a succubus: an immortal demon who draws her power from other men's pleasure. Although working for the Devil does have it's perks, Lily's realising that serving up bad boys to the fiery pits of Hell is just getting . . .well, lonely. Just once, Lily would like to wake up in the morning to something more than a pile of ashes but, contractually bound to Satan, she will only be released if someone truly loves her.

Then the devilishly handsome PI Nathan Coleman enters her life and Lily begins to wonder if he might be the man she's been waiting for. He wants to ask Lily a few questions about a missing man, but suddenly someone - or something - wants Lily and her demon friends dead, and Nathan seems to know more than he'll admit to. Can a sweet-talking mortal and a girl from Hell ever really find true love?

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

Lily works in a fashion magazine by day and is a succubus by (some) night(s). Her girlfriends are also demons. They're all trying to get on with their jobs both in the real and demon world and dealing with the aftermaths of their demonic jobs. Theres also a fundamentalist group looking to stop them.

When Nathan Coleman enters her life Lily is intrigued, then they become friends and she wonders if he would be the one to make her human again.

Entertaining but nothing much, reminded me of Sex and the City, only with men turning into dust. The Label dropping was pervasive, the character didn't have a bath, she used Lush bombs; she never ate another type of ice-cream than Ben & Jerrys and her clothes are annotated. I was a little annoyed at the 3 mentions of the old saw going that a succubus seduces good husbands and pillars of the community, fine, got it the first time but by page 140 it was getting tired. I've read worse though and it did keep me reading.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 1 December, 2009: Finished reading
  • 1 December, 2009: Reviewed