Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

3 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on Cocktails and Books

Oh, how I wish this book was longer.

It's a fantastic premise...a pair of mated bounty hunters (males from warring races) discover that the cargo they're carrying is a human Breeder. She's been created in a lab and schooled in pleasuring the master she will eventually serve, and then, as the title says, she'll have his children. Well, Dyos and Brale, who have been thinking about adding a third to their bond, realize that J is perfect for them. She feels the same, and they begin the bonding ritual (The always incredibly sexy neck biting. I love that!) right as their ship is boarded by the men who have bought and paid for J...and they are PISSED.

What follows is a good story that could have been great if, like I said, it was longer. They're captured, and Dyos and Brale are held in cells while the captain and his crew try to get J to forget all about literally...with drugs. Once their breeding marks are gone, they can have her. Poor J is drawn to our heroes, but she doesn't quite know why. There is quite a bit of action. I like that in my interplanetary romances. There is also some pretty good sex scenes because there is a nice chemistry between J, Dyos, and Brale. It was instalove, but it had to be because of the story length. To me, it felt a little rushed. I would have loved to have been able to watch the men woo J. They're rough and tumble guys, and it would have been fun to see them tripping over themselves and clumsily winning her over bit by bit. Also, the climactic battle and escape would have been awesome if there had been some more time to make it more detailed.

All in all, I liked "Merchandise". Erotic sci fi fans will get a kick out of Dyos and Brale...and the hotness that they share with each other and with J. I plan to check out more of Angelique Voisen's stories. I'm sure I won't be disappointed.

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  • 19 July, 2015: Reviewed