Reviewed by Bookbee on

4 of 5 stars

3.5 Stars rounded up.

This book was a gift from the author.

I will definitely be reading the next instalment when it comes out. This was a fascinating look at male bonding in a bygone era. The characters were well drawn and I'm looking forward to hearing more of their stories.

That being said, the book does have some issues. I'm not sure if the copy I was gifted was an ARC but I hope so. I would like to think that the misplaced words, missing words or extra words have been edited out of the final product.

I thought the constant discussion of penises was perhaps a bit over the top. But then, never having been a teen-aged boy, I may very well be wrong. It did get to be a little too much though and was the cause of much eye-rolling as the book went on.

My main issue with the book is the many instances of repetition; the same thing said multiple times with only very slight variation became tedious.

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  • 3 September, 2016: Reviewed