Reviewed by Melanie on

4 of 5 stars

This is a pretty quick read, but is really dark, as are all Kitty Thomas's books. I knew a little about this book because she blogged about it a couple of times. I don't consider this review to have spoilers because Kitty has blogged and tweeted about this issue a lot, but if you want to go into this story without knowing anything, then stop reading now.

**possible spoiler, but author blogged about this part of the book**

In this book, Luke kidnaps Ronnie while she is extremely down on her luck. He takes her back to his ranch and turns her into his homemaker and eventually into his sex slave for him and his ranch hands. It goes even further to give her hormones so that she start lactating. He and his farmhands proceed to milk her. It is a little weird to me, but people drink human milk all the time. I know people that have tried drinking "straight from the tap" after their wives give birth. I've never heard of taking hormones for this purpose, but to each his own.

The part that kind of got to me, was the Luke was trying to use Ronnie to replace his ex-wife. He even calls Ronnie by his ex-wife's name. That creeped me out the most. Very serial killer. Ronnie already looks like her. He then makes her wear the same clothes, no shoes, etc.

I really enjoyed this book, but it is not for everyone. It is extremely dark and includes some non-consensual kidnapping, and what amounts to rape. If you've read any of this author before and liked it, you will like this too. If you haven't read this author, just know that the stuff is really dark and will play with your mind.

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  • Started reading
  • 3 October, 2012: Finished reading
  • 3 October, 2012: Reviewed