Grave Surprise by Charlaine Harris

Grave Surprise (Harper Connelly, #2)

by Charlaine Harris

While demonstrating her unique talent of finding the dead and seeing their final moments of life, Harper Connelly discovers two bodies in a single grave, and joins forces with her stepbrother Tolliver to find the killer.

Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

3 of 5 stars

My rating on this one is a bit odd. I wanted to give a higher rating but some parts of the book really brought it down for me. I enjoyed the overall plot more then the first in the series, and it was a quick and easy read that kept my interest. I did kind of figure out who did it (with some doubts) pretty early on but I don't hold that against the story because I didn't figure out the why at all. The only issues I really had with this were the little conflicting points that most people probably wouldn't notice. Things like the suddenly flip between civil and some what respectful to disdain and joking, it through me off a few times and I had to re-read the conversation to see why exactly it changed. Also at times things changed, nothing big of course but I noticed, things like : 'Did you know that Harper?' 'No.' when in fact she did know it earlier if only mentioned briefly. I know it's not a big deal but it bothered me a lot for some reason. I'm curious as to see what is going to happen to Harper and Tolliver, I find it a bit odd and typically one doesn't switch mental process on who is like a brother or not, unless they had doubts to begin with. But anyway if I see the next book at the library I'll probably pick it up.

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  • Started reading
  • 8 June, 2011: Finished reading
  • 8 June, 2011: Reviewed