What Cats Want by Yuki Hattori

What Cats Want

by Yuki Hattori


‘A very appealing, beyond-the-basic reference.’– Booklist

‘Cute illustrations and fascinating facts’Guardian

‘A perfect gift for any cat lover’ Reader Review | 5 STARS

Cats are so mysterious. What makes them climb into tiny spaces? Why do they sleep that much? And, most of all, how can we give them a good life?

Dr. Yuki Hattori is Japan's leading cat doctor, and to him cats are the most beautiful animals in the world. His advice comes with little illustrations showing exactly what to look for as a cat owner - including charts showing how to interpret their different meows, the direction of their whiskers and the way their tail is pointing!

Cats may seem low-maintenance but thoughtfulness about where you put their water, how warm or cool they like to be, what name to choose and how to groom them properly will make a life-changing difference. With understanding, affection and respect, your cat will be more healthy and contented - and you'll feel happier too.

‘I bought this book for a friend, but after seeing it I might just buy a stack more’ Reader Review | 5 STARS

‘Even my dog enjoyed looking at it’ Reader Review | 5 STARS

Reviewed by annieb123 on

4 of 5 stars

Originally published on my blog: my link text.

What Cats Want is a cheerfully illustrated simple "everyman's" guide to living your best life with a feline companion written by Dr. Yuki Hattori (The Cat Saviour). Due out 27th Oct 2020 from Bloomsbury, it's 160 pages (in print format) and will be available in hardcover and ebook formats.
This is a very accessible book with simple information in short paragraphs which are easy to understand. The information is arranged logically in short chapters: feline biology and wellbeing, behaviour and interpreting signals, everyday care and healthcare, keeping your cat happy, making a safe and happy home for your cat, and lifelong care. Each of the subchapters contains several informational subjects which are illustrated and 1-2 pages in length. Most of the chapters also include extra notes in highlighted text boxes with expanded info and tips.

This English language translation is well done and doesn't read awkwardly, and the info presented was complete and understandable. Most of the info presented is common sense, and doesn't really seem to be revelatory. It would make a good beginner guide for younger or first time cat owners.

Four stars, well written basic information.

Disclosure: I received an ARC at no cost from the author/publisher for review purposes.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 11 September, 2020: Finished reading
  • 11 September, 2020: Reviewed