First Frost by Sarah Addison Allen

First Frost

by Sarah Addison Allen

Autumn has finally arrived in the small town of Bascom, North Carolina, heralded by a strange old man appearing with a beaten-up suitcase. He has stories to tell, stories that could change the lives of the Waverley women forever. But the Waverleys have enough trouble on their hands. Quiet Claire Waverley has started a successful new venture, Waverley's Candies, but it's nothing like she thought it would be, and it's slowly taking over her life. Claire's wild sister Sydney, still trying to leave her past behind, is about to combust with her desire for another new beginning. And Sydney's fifteen-year-old daughter Bay has given her heart away to the wrong boy and can't get it back.

From the author of the New York Times bestselling sensation GARDEN SPELLS, FIRST FROST is magical and atmospheric, taking readers back into the lives of the gifted Waverley women - back to their strange garden and temperamental apple tree, back to their house with a personality of its own, back to the men who love them fiercely - proving that a happily-ever-after is never the real ending to a story. It's where the real story begins.

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Five reasons to snuggle up with First Frost

  • If you are a fan of Allen and like me, you hold Garden Spells as your favorite of her books; you are in for a delightful treat. Once again, we are back in Bascom, North Carolina and spending time with Sydney, Claire and Bay. Beautifully written with all the magic of Garden Spells, First Frost displayed all the reasons I fell in love with Sarah Addison Allen. I loved this glimpse into their lives and hope Allen revisits them again.

  • Magical realism lives and breathes within the Waverley family home. Pendland Street, the apple tree and old Queen Anne home are magic and I loved the subtle way the tree and house voice their opinion.

  • Being a part of Claire and Sydney’s life again was exciting. Sydney still has her gift with hair and Claire with baking. A lot has happened since we last visited these sisters, their spouses and friends. Allen made it feel like coming home after a long spell away. A cup of good tea, a little bread and I felt warm and fuzzy. I quickly became caught up in both of their struggles.

  • Bay is a teen now and very much a misfit with her gift of knowing where things and people belong. I loved how the author weaved in Bay’s story with threads from her mother’s past. I adore Bay and her calm acceptance of who she is. Unlike her mother, she embraces her heritage, and is comfortable in her own skin, even if being a teenager especially a Waverley sucks. The characters emotions, actions and interactions have a genuine feel to them. I honestly can say I identify and connected to each of them.

  • There is a stranger in town, and things are off for each of the Waverley women. The time between the last harvest and awaiting the next cycle in the apple’s tree brings unease and unrest into the Waverley’s life. Sydney wants to conceive, and Claire’s bout of fame has not been all that. Bay struggles with her unrequited feelings for a young man and her desire to help him find where he belongs. All of the threads are beautifully blended to create a story that held me captive. I love how balanced First Frost unfolded with each perspectives. The author has this uncanny ability to make me relax and savory events.

Copy provided by publisher. This review was originally posted at Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 26 December, 2014: Finished reading
  • 26 December, 2014: Reviewed