Shade by Jeri Smith-Ready

Shade (Shade, #1)

by Jeri Smith-Ready

Like everyone born after The Shift, sixteen year-old Aura can see and talk to ghosts. She's always found this mysterious ability pretty annoying, wishing only that she could reverse it and have some peace. But when her boyfriend, Logan, dies unexpectedly, Aura is forced to reconsider her connections to the dead...Devastated by Logan's sudden death, Aura realises that her ability to see ghosts might actually be a blessing. Surely a violet-hued spirit Logan is better than no Logan at all? But just when Aura is coming to terms with having a ghost as a boyfriend, she starts developing feelings for her new friend Zachary, who is understanding, supportive and, most of all, alive. Each boy holds a piece of her heart - as well as vital cues to the secret of the Shift - and it's time for Aura to choose between loving the living, or embracing the dead...

Reviewed by Stephanie on

5 of 5 stars

Aura is a post-shifter, meaning she can see ghosts. She always found ghost annoying, until her boyfriend, Logan, dies. Now she can see and hear her boyfriend, even after death. But now there is this other guy, Zachary, her partner in a school project. Aura is stuck between still having feelings for Logan and the feelings she's starting to have for Zachary. She knows she has to move on one day, but with Logan always being around, it's kind of hard to let go. She goes through all of this while trying to figure out why the shift happened in the first place.

I don't know why it took me so long to get around to reading Shade because it is an amazing book! I guess I hadn't read the summary since the book came out last year because I was surprised when Logan died. I like when I do that though, I need to stop reading summaries so often.

It was heart wrenching to read about Logan and Aura. I couldn't (and don't want to) imagine what it would be like to have a boyfriend die. You would think it would be easier for Aura since she can still see him, but after finishing the book it seemed much harder. She can't let go and move on because he's still there. She can't fully commit to her feelings for Zachary because she feels guilty when she does and there's still those pesky feelings for Logan.

I was really intrigued with the astronomy in the story. I love anything that deals with the stars, so I was excited to read that part of it. Especially since Aura thinks it has something to do with the Shift.

I also made the mistake of reading the first few pages of the next book in the series, Shift, because now I'm even more at a cliffhanger than when Shade ended.

Overall I really loved Shade and can't wait to go out and get Shift.

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 6 August, 2011: Finished reading
  • 6 August, 2011: Reviewed