Reviewed by HekArtemis on

4 of 5 stars

This book started out amazing, it gives some great information and as she notes, multiple times, it's information that most of us aren't taught but definitely should be taught.

Then it gets to the last third or so of the book and kind of goes down hill. It gets super repetitive and is full of what I would deem to be pseudoscience. While diet is absolutely important, it's not the cure-all she implies it is. And vaginal steaming? Really?

I give it four stars though because the information she gives in the first parts of the book is imperative and fantastic. I found the final parts to be more annoying than anything else, so it only made me drop one star.

I listened to this on Audible and while it was good enough as an audiobook, I do think it perhaps lends itself better as text. It has a lot of content that refers to hormones, vitamins, illnesses, science, and the like - including acronyms - and it can get a little hard to keep track of everything she is talking about. With a book you can easily flip between pages to remind yourself of what means what and why it's important. An audiobook isn't so good for that. I think listening to this with the deadtree version in front of you might be a good way to do it.

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  • 27 September, 2019: Reviewed