Ransom My Heart by Meg Cabot, Mia Thermopolis

Ransom My Heart

by Meg Cabot and Mia Thermopolis

When beautiful, spirited Finnula Crais kidnaps the dashing knight Hugh Fitzstephen, she has no idea that she's ensnared the new Earl of Stephensgate on his way home from the Crusades. Nor does she realise that Hugh is quite happy to be kidnapped by an enchanting tomboy, and will do anything it takes to avoid being rescued. With Finnula determined to hold Hugh to ransom, and Hugh equally determined to steal Finnula's heart, it isn't long before the fireworks start! And just when it looks as if there might be a happy ending, disaster strikes. When an attempt is made on the new Earl's life, there is only one suspect - and even if he loves her dearly, Hugh can't let her get away with it . . .

Ransom My Heart is a risque historical romance written by Princess Mia Thermopolis of Genovia (with a little help from Meg Cabot), as featured in The Princess Diaries series.

Reviewed by ammaarah on

2.5 of 5 stars

2,5 stars
"Being in love looked rather painful from what she observed." (Finnula Crais)

Curiosity is what made me pick up Ransom my Heart. After reading excerpts of Ransom My Heart in Ten Out of Ten, I wasn't expecting much from it. I expected a bodice ripper romance novel and that's exactly what I got, but I must say that I'm mildly surprised.

The heroine, Finnula Crais, is extremely likable. She's kind, fierce, brave and outspoken. She's good with a bow and arrow, has keen hunting instincts and she wears pants. On the other hand, the hero, Hugo Fitzstephen is extremely boring. He is a handsome womanizer with a knightly heart and he is not much else.

Ransom my Heart has some of my favourite romance tropes such as strangers/enemies-to-lovers, love interests being forced together due to the most absurd circumstances and fake dating (or in this case, fake marriage). However, I've read books that make better use of these tropes. There isn't much chemistry between Finnula and Hugo. From the moment Hugo meets Finnula, he's attracted to her, but that attraction is mostly sexual. All he cares about is getting Finnula into his bed. The sex scenes in Ransom my Heart are also pointless and does nothing to further the plot or develop the romantic relationship between the main characters.

I wasn't expecting much of a plot. The plot is predictable, but it is comical and enjoyable. However, the plot only really appears in the last half of Ransom My Heart and it's extremely clear who the antagonists are.

There are three aspects that stand out for me in Ransom My Heart:
1) The Crais family. Finnula's siblings have distinct personalities and I would have liked to see more of them.
2) I didn't expect Sheriff de Brissac to have a heart. I thought he was going to be an antagonist, but he's a genuine character and a hero.
3) Gros Louis is one awesome dog!

I wasn't really invested in Random My Heart nor was I emotionally attached to the characters or the events that took place.

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Reading updates

  • 23 September, 2018: Started reading
  • 24 September, 2018: Finished reading
  • 24 September, 2018: Reviewed