The Poison Artist by Jonathan Moore

The Poison Artist

by Jonathan Moore

Dr. Caleb Maddox is a crack San Francisco toxicologist leading a ground-breaking study of the human pain threshold based on minute analysis of chemical markers. He has also just broken up with his artist girlfriend after she discovered a shocking family secret in his past. Seeking solace, Caleb finds a dark, old-fashioned saloon called House of Shields, and is mesmerised when a beautiful woman materialises out of the shadows, dressed like a 1940s movie star. The enigmatic Emmeline shares a pouring of absinthe with him, brushes his arm and vanishes. As he pursues her through the brooding, night-time city, desperate to see her again, he simultaneously becomes entangled in a serial murder investigation that has the police stymied - men gone missing, fished out of the bay, with no clue as to how they met their end - until Caleb's analysis of the chemical markers in their bodies reveals that each one was tortured to death. Also present are some of the key components of absinthe. As Caleb finally looks forward to a night spent alone with Emmeline, part of his mind wonders if behind the seductive vision is something utterly terrifying...

Reviewed by Eve1972 on

5 of 5 stars

WHOA...this book was SO good! This is the second 5 star book I have read this week. Both coincidentally physiological thrillers.

This one sucked me in from the first page and just never let up! It was so atmospheric with twist and turns and full of mystery and intrigue. I sort of had an inkling as to where it was heading, but WHOA NELLY it was SO much more then I had dreamed up!!

I don't know what more to say, other then READ THIS BOOK NOW!!

Side Note: This book also proves that little 'ol me could never EVER be in forensics. Good gravy, I almost lost my lunch a couple times!!

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  • Started reading
  • 24 February, 2016: Finished reading
  • 24 February, 2016: Reviewed