Reviewed by Reese on

5 of 5 stars

Vividly painting scenes from the past in ways that feel like they are happening in front of you across the page, Robert Tucker has created a moving, cinematic novel that is gripping from the first page to the end. The Revolutionist is a fast-paced, deeply researched portrayal of several historical moments of the twentieth century.

Set in several different countries, two different families escape from political tyranny with the aid of a Viennese opera diva and a former Jesuit priest. These two families—the Josephson’s from Sweden, and Matlas and Kurt Bauman, two brothers from Germany and Austria-Hungary are escaping from an assassin looking for a secret list of social democrats. Their escape lands them in America during the Industrial Revolution. The Josephson’s end up in North Central Minnesota to raise their two children Newt, and Julie, while the brothers re-establish their transportation business in Chicago, Illinois. Each storyline has its own plot, but perhaps the most intrigue comes from the bounty hunter assassin, Luther Baggot as he tracks his victims into the heart of America.

This is an extraordinary read in every way possible. From start to finish, it is completely captivating and interesting. and I highly recommend it. It is a true gem!!

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  • 7 July, 2022: Reviewed