Murder on the Bride's Side by Tracy Kiely

Murder on the Bride's Side (Elizabeth Parker Mysteries, #2)

by Tracy Kiely

Elizabeth Parker suspected that fulfilling her duties as maid-of-honour for her best friend, Bridget, was going to be murder. And no sooner is the last grain of rice thrown than she finds herself staring into the dead eyes of Bridget's Aunt Roni, a woman whose death is almost as universally celebrated as Bridget's nuptials. The horror only increases when Harry, Bridget's cousin, becomes the chief suspect. The idea is ludicrous to the family, because Harry is one of the kindest, most compassionate people imaginable. To complicate matters, Elizabeth's boyfriend, Peter, appears to be falling for an old flame, a gorgeous wedding planner. Determined to clear Harry of the crime, reign in Bridget's impulsive brand of sleuthing, and figure out where Peter's heart lies, Elizabeth sets her mind to work. Tracy Kiely has again brilliantly combined the wit and spunk of Austen's protagonists with a contemporary, traditional mystery. With a vibrant cast of characters, the lush setting of a Virginia estate, and irresistible humour, she delivers on all counts.

Reviewed by MurderByDeath on

4 of 5 stars

This is the second in the series by Tracy Kiely, and I found it to be a great read. The mystery was a solid one with a tug on the heartstrings at the end. The romance sub-plot was a bit silly, but resolves itself in the end. All in all, I really enjoy this series and I'm hoping and looking forward to a third.

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  • Started reading
  • 23 January, 2011: Finished reading
  • 23 January, 2011: Reviewed