Boosting Your Immunity For Dummies by Wendy Warner, Kellyann Petrucci

Boosting Your Immunity For Dummies

by Wendy Warner and Kellyann Petrucci

Boost your body's natural defenses against disease

Good nutrition is a key weapon against colds and the flu. The foods, supplements, and practices outlined in Boosting Your Immunity For Dummies can boost your body's natural defenses against disease when they're incorporated into your daily diet and lifestyle.

Boosting Your Immunity For Dummies provides hands-on techniques for supercharging your immune system to resist illness and prevent disease. Through diet, exercise, stress reduction, and nutritional supplements, the role of water, sunlight, and oxygen, you can harness the power of your immune system and help your body combat health issues that include: antibiotic-resistant bacteria, allergies, Hepatitis C, pre-menopause, menopause, cancer, Rheumatoid arthritis, dental, and autoimmune diseases.

In addition, Boosting Your Immunity For Dummies includes tasty recipes for every meal of the day along with shopping lists and tips for stretching grocery dollars while still eating healthy!

  • Expert advice and tips on living and eating healthy
  • Includes more than 40 healthy and tasty immunity boosting recipes
  • Shows you how to supercharge your immune system

If you're looking for a resource that will help you improve your overall health by eating properly and exercising to drastically improve their immunity to disease, Boosting Your Immunity For Dummies has you covered.

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

I'm pretty sure that there is actually some interesting advice in this one but it's somewhat overshadowed by a few niggles. I have little or no problems with the Paleo diet and it's principles sound relatively sound., however I have a problem with it being a one-size-fits-all cure for everything. Maybe it is and maybe it isn't. This is also written by two authors with an axe to grind, their biases show.

Some of the issues:
telling people on chemotherapy/radiotherapy to consult with their holisitc practicioner not their oncologist about supplements.
telling people to abandon gluten, particularly if in doubt.
having an all or nothing attitude to the diet
lacking citations or a bibliography while making very general claims. "everyone knows..." is not proof, it's bad science.
recipes that are time-consuming, nothing that fits into my lifestyle for breakfast or lunch.

the good:
healthy food, I can't argue with most of their theory, it appears sound.

Overall it made me think, it didn't make me want to jot down any of the recipes and it made me want to write a rant about correct eating and absolutism in life.

Last modified on

Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 9 October, 2013: Finished reading
  • 9 October, 2013: Reviewed