Please Send Help by Gaby Dunn, Allison Raskin

Please Send Help

by Gaby Dunn and Allison Raskin

Now, they're in the same time zone (although over a thousand miles apart), and in the real world, and it's the worst, but they still have each other's support. For relationships. Questionable roommates. Internships. And whether or not it's a good idea to take in a feral cat. Through their hilarious, sometimes emotional, conversations, Ava and Gen help each other navigate. But as the two of them start to change, will their friendship survive the distance?

In Please Send Help, the hilarious new novel from the New York Times bestselling authors of I Hate Everyone But You, Allison...Read more

Reviewed by bestmessever on

4 of 5 stars

I enjoyed this one just as much as the first one. I really love the witty dialogue and how close these two girls are to each other. I really relate to both of them in so many different ways. They are so well written and really jump off the page at you. I also love how the authors really know exactly how people actually talk it makes the dialogue seem so much more natural. I also loved that even though we have romance in the book the main focus is on our two main characters and their friendship. My only complaint would be I wish it was longer as the ending felt a bit off and maybe just a tad rushed.

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  • 18 May, 2019: Reviewed