Twitter Girl by Nic Tatano

Twitter Girl

by Nic Tatano

Meet America's Tweet-Heart.

She's network reporter Cassidy Shea, better known as @TwitterGirl, with more than a million followers thanks to her sarcastic tweets. One hundred forty characters that can take anyone down a notch.

But while brevity may be the soul of wit, it can also get you fired.

When a controversial tweet goes viral the snarky redhead finds herself locked out of the career she loves… and watches her boyfriend take a hike.

Alas, no industry values sarcasm more than politics, and Cassidy becomes a marketable commodity for Presidential candidate Will Becker, a squeaky-clean, stone cold lock to be the next occupant of the White House. This candidate is unlike any other; he's the country's most eligible bachelor. He's also looking for a running mate, and we're not talking about a Vice President.

Twitter Girl has caught his eye.

Cassidy finds herself swept up in a whirlwind romance that turns her into the next Jackie Kennedy and becomes the favorite to be the next First Lady. The country can't get enough of America's First Couple… will Cassidy and Will Becker bring back Camelot?

But an anonymous tip triggers her journalistic curiosity. Is Will Becker all that he seems? The search for the answer teaches Cassidy the meaning of love.

Reviewed by Leah on

4 of 5 stars

Nic Tatano has quickly become one of my must-read authors, ever since I read his debut novel Wing Girl last year. This has quickly been followed by Boss Girl, It Girl, The Adventures of Jillian Spectre and now Twitter Girl, proving he is a very prolific author - something I can admire; it's quite exciting to know an author you love will have multiple releases per year, and just goes to show that it can be done! You can write and publish more than one book a year and it's awesome more authors are willing to do this! I was very, very excited about the release of Twitter Girl - especially because the ever so lovely and snarky Cassidy Shea joined Twitter and started a bit of a riot! If you're not following her, you should be, because let me tell you, she will soon rule the world ;). As soon as Twitter Girl landed on my Kindle, I had to quickly finish up my last read so I could get stuck in!

Nic Tatano loves his red-heads (which, is a really, really awesome tribute to his wife - so flattering) and Cassidy Shea is another one! Tall, with flowing red hair and a snarky attitude, when we first meet her, she's just been fired, for claiming a tornado in Mississippi actually improved the landscape LOL. With a first impression like that, you can't help but love her. After wallowing for a bit, though, she's soon snapped up by Will Becker, who's plotting a run to the White House, and him and his staff need Cassidy to wipe out the other candidates, snark-style, which Cassidy is known for as Twitter Girl. Cassidy starts dreaming of being the future First Lady, but when she starts to receive anonymous messages from someone demanding she look further into Becker's life, she's not entirely sure she trusts him 100% and her journalistic instincts are on high alert as she begins to investigate....

I have to confess, I didn't much care for the Presidential shenanigans in the book. It was okay, but it's also kinda weird because Obama's president! So it was like it was set in a different world, with no Obama, which is weird. What actually hooked me into the novel was not only Cassidy herself (who was awesome) but also those around her. Her brother, Sam, disabled after an accident (that I wanted to know more about - I'm quite tempted to ask Nic to write Sam his very own story, because he was THAT awesome) but not letting it get him down; Cassidy's best friend Ripley who I liked way better when they both dropped the whole war-for-the-prospective-President thing (girls - you never let a guy come between you), but most of all it was Tyler who captured my heart. Oh Tyler Garrity, let me count the ways I love you. He was just so awesome, always there to help out Cassidy, and the two just clicked right from the off. When Cassidy was wasting time dating Becker, I was just waiting and waiting for Tyler's moment.

Tyler is probably my favourite of all of Nic's heroes. And he will take some beating (with Sam a VERY CLOSE second). Usually it's the heroine you root for, and adore, but while I did love Cassidy (her snarky voice, her awesome Tweets, the fact she was a red-head, and tall, and proud...) but Tyler stole my heart, and stole the book. As was the case, I never really cared for Becker. Just sayin'. It was a shame Tyler's illness is never mentioned - I understood why because, like Sam, he never let it get him down, but I'm not quite sure what his illness was. Obviously something fatigue-based, I can only assume. Tatano wrote his male characters so well throughout Twitter Girl (excepting Becker, URGH) so I would love for him, in future, to write a novel from the male POV because I think he would totally ace that, especially if the hero is anything like Sam or Tyler. (Or IS Sam, or Tyler. He could do like a prequel, or something, with both their stories.... I would read it.) I really, really enjoyed Twitter Girl. After being a bit wary after Boss Girl, it was great to see a return to form for Tatano. I loved the characters, the plot was intriguing (politics isn't my thing, I will confess, but it was interesting enough) and I just loved loved loved Tyler. Once you meet him, you'll understand.This review was originally posted on Girls Love To Read

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  • 4 September, 2014: Finished reading
  • 4 September, 2014: Reviewed