Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

5 of 5 stars

4.5 Stars.

Jessica James from herself in Boise after she receives a pink slip, via email, from her position as a sports writer for a New York newspaper. In Boise, she hopes to right a quickie romance novel to help tide her over financially until she can find another sportswriter position. What she finds is it's hard to write a romance novel without having the proper research aides...which comes in the form of hot stalker doctor Fisher Kincaid. Fisher's determined to prove to Jessie that there is more to a relationship than lust and with the proper inspiration, could even fill the pages of her romance novel.

I always enjoy Robin Kaye's books because her heroine always seem to have that one little insecurity or flaw that I see in myself. With Call Me Wild, it's Jessie's lack of faith in a loving relationship and that there is more to her than what she looks like on the outside. Because of the way Jessie was raised an one horrific experience as a seventeen year old girl, Jessie's whole point of reference when it comes to a loving relationship is out of whack. She doesn't think it exists and pushes any man away who even attempts at going down that path with her.

Fisher is different. It's not that he sees Jessie as a challenge (because she is) but he's somehow able to see through all of Jessie's blustering to the real woman that she is. He appreciates her for who she is and how she looks. Her size and muscle mass doesn't scare him away, but happens to be one of the many things that he loves about her. Jessie doesn't make it easy on Fisher, but the path these two take to get to their HEA was funny, sweet, sexy and emotional.

Robin Kaye has a knack for writing quirky families that make you wish you could plop down in the middle of them and wait for the drama to unfold. The Kincaid family is no exception. I will now have to wait very patiently for Karma and Trapper's stories. My fingers are crossed one of their stories will come to us in the upcoming months.

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  • Started reading
  • 29 August, 2012: Finished reading
  • 29 August, 2012: Reviewed