Reviewed by Baroness Book Trove on

5 of 5 stars

Running Man by Jennifer Young is another good book by Ms. Young. She picks this book up three years after Going Back and it was really good. I am glad to see that Gigi is able to find love for herself while still wanting to be apart of the hotel. Well kind of. This book has three different people it follows. Gigi Manfredi, her beau, and a co-worker of Gigi’s. The book centers around Giorgia trying to have a separate personal life from the hotel while trying to take care of her father who has gone downhill when Nico and Leona return from their little honeymoon to trying to have a love life with someone that people might not like, and trying to have a good life.

Giorgia Manfredi is a twenty-one-year-old co-owner of her family’s hotel and is also an heiress. What I like about her is that she is a pretty smart girl that is at time naive. Another thing that I like about her is that she is taking care of the family hotel and trying to live her personal life her way. She wants a love like her brother who is now married to Leona. What I don’t like about her is that she decided she needed to away and she just took off without telling anyone. After her brother Nico confronted her, she just went back to her old ways of pleasing the family instead of wanting to fight for something that she knows that she deserved.

The next character is Danny Davies who just so happens to be Gigi’s love interest in this book. What I like about him is that before he met Gigi he was just trying to stay on the path of good on his own which wasn’t really working very well on himself. Then after he met Gigi he wanted to be good not only for himself but for her as well. What I didn’t like about him is that after Nico saw them together, Danny basically chickened out instead of trying to see if it would work with Gigi despite his checkered past.

The last character that had a chapter dedicated around them is Matt. Gigi and her dad hired Matt to replace Nico since he didn’t want anything else to do with the hotel which Gigi’s dad didn’t like. What I liked about Matt was that he was trying his hardest to keep a boat that he really did like along with a girl that he seemed to love. What I didn’t like about Matt was that he changed his goals and wanted to prove to his dad that he was better at everything. He also was starting to go after Gigi despite having a girlfriend. Then he realized that he could have everything that his dad wanted just by marrying Gigi. He is a good character in the way that you didn’t really know what he wanted to do or that he did something until he started to unravel.

Running Man by Jennifer Young is a good read and one that I completely enjoyed. For that reason, I am giving this book five stars since it kept me engaged and wanting to know more once I closed my Kindle for the night or even to get going on my chores. It’s those types of books that I love to read.

Anyways until the next time enjoy this review brought to you by

Baroness’ Book Trove.

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I received this book for free from Author in exchange for an honest review. This does not affect my opinion of the book or the content of my review.

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