Reviewed by sstaley on

4 of 5 stars

A Sisterhood of Strength: True Stories of Miraculous Service is simply uplifting. This book is composed of stories from many women, whose lives were touched by other women who reached out to serve. In our lives we have many opportunities to help others, whether we know these people or not. The strong message I got, was how we need to learn to reach beyond ourselves and help others. Many of these women related how God let them know how they needed to go help someone in need. The question is, are we too busy to listen to promptings that may come to us? This doesn't always have to be a religious thing either. You can learn to serve others in your neighborhood, the stranger on the street, and not just the people who are the same denomination as you. The world would be a much better place if we would reach out to others. Author Diony George, has selected many stories from women in the LDS church who have learned to serve from their membership in the church's Relief Society. There are also several stories where women chose to serve because they wanted to. This is a short book that you can pick up and read a few stories at a time, and then come back to it. I enjoyed this book and it would make a great addition to any woman's library.

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  • Started reading
  • 8 August, 2012: Finished reading
  • 8 August, 2012: Reviewed