Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

2 of 5 stars

Sorry, I did not really enjoy this one...It was a short story, so I understand how difficult it must be to strike a balance between keeping the story short and sweet, but also revealing enough information to draw a reader in. For me, this just did not have that balance. I couldn't get lost in this book like I usually enjoy doing. It seemed disjointed and rushed.

I wasn't very invested in the characters because they just weren't developed--there was no depth to them. Therefore, I didn't really care what happened to them. The events were so rushed and the chapters ended so abruptly that it felt disjointed to me. I didn't feel like there was time for the story to develop. It seemed like a list of events,there was no natural flow to the plot.

On a positive note, I did think the story ended in the best way it could have.

Reviewed by Joelle for Cocktails and Books

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  • 26 July, 2013: Reviewed