Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

I so, so enjoyed "Dusk" from Erin Leaf. It has so much going for it. It's an original plot, which I love. There's a mixture of sci fi, action, mystery, and romance. I was sucked in from the very beginning.

This is the second in the "Stronghold" series, and it's a real treat. It picks up a bit later than the ending of the first book, "Dark". If you haven't read that one, I'm going to tell you that, while you don't necessarily NEED to read it to understand what goes on in "Dusk", but it would help. References are made, but there's enough exposition that you would have an idea, so it could be read as a stand alone.

Our main characters are Lucy and Solomon. They have perfect chemistry. Their feelings for each other are palpable, even though they don't necessarily realize it right away. Solomon, is very much a loner. All Sentries are (Read it, and you'll understand, hehe.). That's how it's always been, but Lucy is under his skin. He feels the need to protect her from a frightening threat, and he'll go to the ends of the earth to do so. Their relationship is
tentative at first, but it heats up very soon. When I say "heats up", I really mean it. These two are completely off the charts. The sex is extremely hot. I felt dizzy, but in a good way. I do want to let you know that there are some pretty intense scenes...a little light bondage, sex toys, and some delightful dirty talking. It's not extreme, though. It is perfect for these two characters.

The background characters are great. There are other Sentries...brothers. They all come together the world. I don't have brothers, but I imagine that this is how they would act when they're all in the same room. Lucy's best friend, Eva, from "Dark" is still around, and their relationship is just the way it should be. The plot is so interesting, and it's obvious that Ms. Leaf did quit a bit of research to carry it off.

All in all, I have to say that "Dusk" is one of the most enjoyable books I've read in a very long time. Erin Leaf is one of my new favorite authors. I'm slowly going through her whole library. I can't seem to get enough, and I'm looking so forward to the next "Stronghold" story. There are several more Sentry brothers, and I'm excited about them. I am highly recommending this one.

Reviewed by Kenna for Cocktails and Books

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  • 24 December, 2014: Reviewed