Crocodile's Tears by Alex Beard

Crocodile's Tears

by Alex Beard

The Black Rhino and his friend Tikbird wonder why Crocodile is crying. They are hesitant to ask him as Crocodile has a reputation for eating animals that come too near! So they circle the area, asking each animal they see why Crocodile is crying. But the animals to ask are difficult to find as their numbers are growing ever smaller.

Reviewed by cherryblossommj on

5 of 5 stars


Originally posted on Creative Madness Mama. 

Previously I was amused by author Alex Beard's Monkey See, Monkey Draw in a take on "monkey see, monkey do" and now to file Crocodile's Tears on the thought of "crocodile tears" makes me smile. If you are looking for a read-aloud storytime book that will introduce some African animals and environmental issues while being silly - you've found the right book.

This one is quite an educational value on endangered species, with a great glossary in the back too. The pictures are as large as life and great to look at. There is a frame on each page, and the image goes beyond and it really pops out. I think this one will be great to come back to again and again, especially to encourage drawing and writing their own story. With the font chosen, the book comes alive as if it were hand written, and I love that.

This review was originally posted on Creative Madness Mama.

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  • Started reading
  • 29 September, 2015: Finished reading
  • 29 September, 2015: Reviewed