Reviewed by stacey_is_sassy on

4 of 5 stars


Thank goodness I didn’t judge this book by its cover or title.

Tapping the Billionaire is the perfect example of each to their own and all that jazz. As readers and reviewers, we are not all alike and that’s a bloody good thing. What’s candy for one reader is brussels sprout for another. I started reading this one completely blind. I don’t remember buying it so I can’t remember what attracted me to it. I’m a bit over the abs of steel so I know it wasn’t the cover. If I can’t remember buying it, I definitely can’t remember what the blurb was. And that title…a little too crass and not something I would normally associate a female saying or thinking about a male. BUT…something drew me to it.

I’ve had an extremely busy beginning to my year and yesterday was the first day in donkey’s years that I could allow myself a full day of reading. Maybe it was just my mood and my need for some lightheartedness, but this book CRACKED ME UP!! At stages of this book, I was laughing so hard I had tears and had to read to my hubby scenes that had me busting a gut laughing. As per usual, hubby just nodded his head and smiled at me, but I know he was happy to see me happy (like I said, crazy beginning to the year).

Tapping the Billionaire was a little escape from reality. Maybe that is being a little judgemental of me. Who am I to say that billionaires can’t be normal blokes who live normal enough lives…who just have a little extra change in their bank accounts? Could it be, the escape from reality is because this guy wasn’t a douchewaffle who got to the top because of his douchewaffle ways? I wonder if it’s considered a wee bit fairytale…ish because this guy has emotions and feelings and wasn’t afraid to accept them and share them? Oh well, I’ll take this escape from reality (if it is) and enjoy it.

So, we’ve established that I was in the mood for funny and I got it in the wacky and slapstick way that I have been known to love. I fell in love with the dashing fairytale billionaire who was sweet and romantic. What I have yet to tell you about is my favourite part…the heroine…Georgia/Wheorgie/Benny/Georgie. Georgie has great friends, a job she loves and a backbone and strength that I admired. She isn’t someone who settles for second best and works hard to get what she wants. Georgie is also very honest with herself…most of the time. When her boss asks her out, she asks questions, analyses the situation and makes a decision that is far from rash. I liked her and I wanted to see her find happiness.

I got exactly what I wanted from Tapping the Billionaire with the laughs, swoonies and touch of angst to keep the story moving. I will admit to having some hesitancy when I first started the story. The author does not give you the real Kline Brooks in the intro. He comes across as the same as all the other billionaires I’ve met before…egotistical and self-absorbed. As we get to know him we are given the real Kline…BUT…my first impressions, not good. As I mentioned above, the cover and the title do nothing for me either.

Now, because I’m a great reviewer (tooting my own horn) I just went and checked the price of Tapping the Billionaire and it’s BLOODY FREE!! (I'm having an AHA moment...maybe that was why I bought it) I am totally gobsmacked, to be honest. Not one to judge…ok, maybe judge a wee bit…but I don’t expect to receive full satisfaction from a book that is $0.00. I wasn’t asked to read and review this book, this was chosen by me and I loved it enough to share my love for it.

Here’s the link to Amazon -

I’m an Aussie chick who loves to read and review romance, drink coffee, be a Style Setter and stalk David Gandy. To see more of my reviews, fashion, food and pervathons -

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