Lost in the Barrens by Farley Mowat

Lost in the Barrens (Piccolo Books)

by Farley Mowat

Awasin and Jamie, brothers in courage, meet a challenge many mountain men could not endure.  When their canoe is destroyed by the fury of the rapids, they must face the wilderness with no food and no hope of rescue.  To survive, they build an igloo, battle a towering grizzly bear, track several wolves, slaughter caribou for food and clothing.  Two lost huskies they tame bring companionship--and maybe a way home from their dangerous adventure.

Reviewed by anastasia on

2 of 5 stars

not my favorite book in the world. :(

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  • Started reading
  • 31 May, 2005: Finished reading
  • 31 May, 2005: Reviewed