Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

I was blown away by After Dark and was excited to jump back into the fascinating world Emi Gayle has created. In Day After we see more action, and learn more about the world and the creatures who reside there. I quickly consumed this and look forward to the final book. The tale is fast paced, filled with mind blowing revelations and characters you cannot help but love.

Winn agrees to be Mac's teacher and to meet with the council for lessons. As he learns he cannot reveal information to Mac unless she asks. With only six months left, Winn takes his job as teacher seriously even if it means losing the love of his life forever. The tale that unfolds has suspense, danger, impossible decisions and an impossible romance. The tale is delivered from Winn's perspective and I enjoyed getting inside his head.

While the last book focused on Mac Thorne’s perspective and personality this time we really get inside Winn’s head. Tasked with an impossible responsibility he readily accepts. He must help Mac ask the right questions and guide her; which will ultimately separate them. As he interviews those on the council he begins to discover everything isn’t black and white. I really like Winn, although he is only seventeen, he takes his responsibilities seriously and his love for Mac is unselfish. The relationship struggles as Mac pushes Winn away and even when he wants to throw in the towel, he cannot stop helping her. I loved how he gives this confident outward appearance and then we glimpse his inner fears and thoughts. One of things I like about him is that he totally gets Mac; from her snarky attitude to her refusal to ask the right questions. He is a loyal nerd whom you cannot help but adore. We learn more about the council as well as Winn’s Dad and sister. Suze is back and I gotta tell you I love this crazy demon protector.

Gayle weaves a tale that keeps you guessing. There is an air of suspense and mystery throughout both books that kept me turning the pages. She drops subtle clues and adds foreshadowing that make me believe in possibilities and question everything! The council and their “ask the right questions" was clever as it slowly reveals information that will aid both Mac and Winn. There are some intense scenes and unknown forces at work that kept me on edge. The last few chapters and the ending had my emotions all over and some of the things we learn had me gasping aloud. Winn and Mac really work as a couple, he is the yin to her yang and they bring out the best in each other. The book really worked from Winn’s perspective. I was excited to learn Gayle will do a dual POV in the next book. *happy dance*
ARC received in exchange for unbiased review and originally published Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 9 May, 2013: Finished reading
  • 9 May, 2013: Reviewed