How We Fall by Kate Brauning

How We Fall

by Kate Brauning

Ever since Jackie moved to her uncle's sleepy farming town, she's been flirting way too much--and with her own cousin, Marcus.

Her friendship with him has turned into something she can't control, and he's the reason Jackie lost track of her best friend, Ellie, who left one knows where. Now Ellie has been missing for months, and the police, fearing the worst, are searching for her body. Swamped with guilt and the knowledge that acting on her love for Marcus would tear their families apart, Jackie pushes her cousin away. The plan is to fall out of love, and, just as she hoped he would, Marcus falls for the new girl in town. But something isn't right about this stranger, and Jackie's suspicions about the new girl's secrets only drive the wedge deeper between Jackie and Marcus--and deepens Jackie's despair.

Then Marcus is forced to pay the price for someone else's lies as the mystery around Ellie's disappearance starts to become horribly clear. Jackie has to face terrible choices. Can she leave her first love behind, and can she go on living with the fact that she failed her best friend?

Reviewed by shannonmiz on

5 of 5 stars

I had been quite excited for this book for awhile, so I was so wonderfully pleased when it more than lived up to my expectations!

First of all, the cousin romance was so, so intriguing. Kate Brauning was not only able to make it seem realistic, but she made it relatable, which is really quite an accomplishment because I assume most of us have not actually been in love with our cousins. I rooted for Jackie and Marcus from basically page one: Hard on the family? Who cares!? Too taboo? Ignore the naysayers! Basically, I cheered for them through every obstacle. I found Jackie to be very likable as a main character, and it was clear to see what she loved about Marcus as well. Their relationship just worked, regardless of familial status.

Now, this is not an action-driven book, but that didn't stop me from devouring it and simply not being able to put it down. The feelings that absolutely radiated from Jackie were so apparent, I just had to know what was going to happen for her, for Marcus, for their friends and family. Outside Jackie and Marcus, there was such a well crafted bunch of side characters that added complications, escapes, and mystery. Jackie's family was... different. I thought that Jackie and Marcus's parents were eccentric, yes, but also kind of irresponsible and absent. I did enjoy their siblings and friends and the roles they played, and the unique family situation definitely worked for the story.

The disappearance of Ellie was the one thing I wasn't completely on board with in the book. Actually, at first I was okay with it, because it added a layer to the turmoil and solitude that Jackie was feeling, especially while trying to hide her feelings for Marcus. But when the mystery intensified, and took some of the focus from the rest of the story, I wasn't as into it. I do think that for some readers, it will add an extra layer of excitement, but I just wanted more of the main story! That said, I think that adding the mystery helped the book in two ways: First, having the characters completely consumed by their romance would have been unlikable and unbelievable. Second, taking some focus off the romance and making me want to read more of the romance kept things flowing very well, since I was anxious to keep reading. So overall, it worked, even if it wasn't my favorite part of the book.

Basically, I have never read a book about romance, any romance, that had me on the edge of my seat like How We Fall did. It wasn't just the "will they or won't they?" aspect either, it was the overall connection to the characters, and the emotion that I felt as I read their story. It was a beautiful and accurate portrayal of the angst we all feel as we worry about how we appear to the outside world, as we balance our wants and needs with the expectations of those around us. With the lovely, and sometimes heartbreaking romance, the emotional pull, and the amazing characters, this is definitely a book worth reading!

**Copy provided from publisher for review via EdelweissThis review was originally posted on It Starts at Midnight

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  • 10 October, 2014: Finished reading
  • 10 October, 2014: Reviewed