Reviewed by funstm on

4 of 5 stars

Well. Much like the Dusk Gate Chronicles, this book is very hard to categorise. What I can say is that this book is a wholesome read with fantasy elements and fans of the Dusk Gate Chronicles will enjoy it very much. Especially because one of the best characters from the original series makes an appearance - OWEN!!!

I enjoyed the world building of this new world and I loved the new characters - Ella, Shea, Cay and Fluffy. The plot was interesting and had me fully invested in finding out what everyone was keeping from Ella and the consequences it has. I liked Ella and her kind manner. I liked the friendship that starts to develop between them all. But most of all, it was just really funny. And for being 440 pages it didn't feel that long. It was like I blinked and missed all those pages. I'm looking forward to reading the next one.

4 stars.

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  • 27 February, 2022: Reviewed