Pyramids by Terry Pratchett

Pyramids (Discworld, #7)

by Terry Pratchett


Young Prince Teppic is sent far away from his desert homeland to the city of Ankh-Morpork for the best education money can buy. Which just so happens to be at the Assassins' Guild.

But when Teppic's father dies suddenly, fate takes him away from assassination to something far more unsavoury: politics. Teppic returns home to the small, penniless kingdom of Djelibeybi to take his place as ruler.

It isn't easy, being a teenage pharaoh. As tradition dictates, the new king must build a monumental pyramid to honour his...

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Reviewed by batsysk on

1 of 5 stars

There are not many books I did not finish reading but unfortunately this one is one of them. I loved every Pratchett book in the series so far and even tho some of them had worse parts I still enjoyed them greatly in the end. With this book I had problems since beginning and they lasted until somewhere in the middle of the story where I just gave up. It makes me sad but also it happens sometimes and I am still open to rereading of this book in the future. But now I am just going to continue the series and enjoy other books from the master writer Terry Pratchett.

Side note: for sure it may be just that the background and point of plot was not meant for me so I am not judging the book and just giving my current opinion.

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  • Started reading
  • 29 November, 2022: Finished reading
  • 29 November, 2022: Reviewed