Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

5 of 5 stars

4.5 Stars!

It is incredibly rare to see me rate a book under 100 pages above 3 stars, much less an erotic novella, so let that be a testament to how much I enjoyed this one.

The story is not one of those ‘read a page of background, spend the next 34 pages reading about sex’ kind of books, in fact it has an actual story….with *gasps* actual characters! Sarah Ryder, aka Red, has hit rock bottom. She’s lost her job and she’s beyond broke, and in a desperate last ditch move she contacts her grandmother. I totally get Red…I know someone who acts pretty similar to her. I definitely like her attitude too, she doesn’t just submit and take whatever is handed to her. She fights back, or in the very least runs her mouth off. Wolfe on the other hand is a bit of a toss up. I’m not sure I completely like his ‘personality’ around Sarah, but I kind of dig the whole reclusive, artist shtick…it also helps that he’s pretty yummy.

With only 35 pages there is only so much story you can get to, and even though there is only a small taste of the r-rated fun to come it was definitely enough…for now. I hate cliffhangers but I can honestly say I’m looking forward to reading Part 2, now I just need May 21st to hurry up and I’ll be happy (until I finish it).

So if you enjoy this sort of read I say go for it! It may be short but it is totally worth it.

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  • Started reading
  • 9 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 9 May, 2014: Reviewed