Reviewed by Cocktails and Books on

4 of 5 stars

Lorne Rodman gave me another short and sweet read that I really enjoyed. "On the Job" is a three story compliation about...well, about guys with jobs. There's a male stripper/college professor, a model/designer, and a city boy/cowboy. All the stories are very hot, starting with instant chemistry between the main characters, and leading to hot, smexy manlove :-)

While I thought the stories were great, I think that I'd have preferred three single books from the author, so there could have been more character development and substance. All three of them could be full length novels that I would be happy to read. I would especially love to see that from "Ride 'em Cowboy". In fact, I actually yelled, "OH NO!! DON'T STOP THERE!!!" when it ended.

This is the second book from Lorne Rodman that I've read in as many days. I plan to seek out more for whenever I need a nice little pick me up, and I would totally recommend it to others who are looking for the same.

Reviewed by Kenna for Cocktails and Books

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  • 23 October, 2014: Reviewed