The Cold Light of Mourning by Elizabeth J Duncan

The Cold Light of Mourning (Penny Brannigan Mystery, #1)

by Elizabeth J Duncan

The picturesque North Wales market town of Llanelen is shocked when Meg Wynne Thompson, a self-made beauty who has turned out to be something of an unpopular bride, goes missing on her wedding day. The last person believed to have seen her is manicurist Penny Brannigan, an ex-patriate Canadian who has lived in North Wales for almost twenty-five years. After seeing a photograph of Meg in the local newspaper, Penny realizes that the well-groomed woman who presented herself at her salon was an imposter. She becomes emotionally invested in the case, and sets out to find the killer. It seems several people, including the bride's drunken, abusive father, had reasons to wish Meg dead. But when the trail leads to the groom's home, an explosive secret will shake the small town.

Reviewed by Mystereity Reviews on

3 of 5 stars

Very cute and enjoyable read. Started out with too much detail before sliding into not enough detail. I also figured out who the murderer was before the murder happened, but that didn't diminish my enjoyment of the book. Overall, a quick and light cozy, and I look forward to the other books in the series.

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  • 14 January, 2015: Finished reading
  • 14 January, 2015: Reviewed