Blind Date by Bella Jewel

Blind Date

by Bella Jewel

Four years after her husband's death, Hartley Watson is finally getting on with her life. When her best friend sets her up on a blind date, it seems like the perfect way for Hartley to have some fun. Instead, it's the beginning of a nightmare. Suddenly Hartley starts to feel like someone is watching her all the time and personal things begin to go missing from her home. Is her blind date stalking her, or has she been targeted by someone even more sinister? When she goes to the police for help, Hartley meets rugged detective Ace Jacobson. Ace is convinced that she's being hunted by a serial killer - and he'll do anything to protect her. As Hartley and Ace work together to catch the killer, the passion between them is combustible...but will they make it out alive?

Reviewed by thebookdisciple on

4 of 5 stars


Blind Date is another thriller from Bella Jewel that will have you sleeping with the lights on and seriously questioning dating sites.

Hartley lost her husband 4 years ago in an accident. Her BFF Taylor cons her into getting 'back out there' and sets her up on some blind dates via a website. The first two? Total duds. However, on date three she meets Jacob and there are sparks. They click and begin to see each other but obviously, Hartley wants to take things slow. However, strange things start happening. Her late husband's t shirt is on the kitchen table one morning with no explanation. Then she wakes up to find their wedding video playing on the TV. Jacob and Taylor convince her that its due to her sleepwalking combined with her reentry into the dating world. While that seems the most logical answer, Hart is skeptical.

There is also her rude neighbor, Ace. He is a detective and despite Hart's attempts to be polite by saying 'Hello', he continues to treat her like she is invisible. They slowly begin to get to know each other a little; of course, all this is taking place while weird things are happening in her home...

I thought that the villain was very obvious; however, the suspense of the story lies in the how and why more so than the who. I read Blind Date very quickly as well because I needed to know how it would all turn out. Hartley's struggle to determine what is real and what isn't was engrossing and heart stopping because as a reader, you know she isn't crazy! Jewel manages to give you something expected and yet still keep you on your toes in ways you didn't imagine. I am really loving her romantic suspense stories because they are all unique in some way that is totally unexpected for me!


  • POV: 1st

  • Tears: no

  • Trope: secret identity, stalking

  • Triggers: none

  • Series/Standalone: stand alone

  • Cliffhanger: no

  • HEA: yes

...then you will probably like Blind Date!


Blind Date


 See full review on The Book Disciple

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 11 August, 2017: Finished reading
  • 11 August, 2017: Reviewed