W.I.T.C.H. Part 1, Vol. 1 by

W.I.T.C.H. Part 1, Vol. 1

Twelve portals have opened
between Earth and the dark world of Metamoor, weaking the mystic veil that
separates the two and protects humanity from an evil that threatens to consume
it. Five girls have been chosen as Guardians to stand against this menace.
Gifted with powers over the elements, Will, Irma, Taranee, Cornelia, and Hay Lin
step into their new roles and together become the force for good known as

Reviewed by Mad Soul Child on

5 of 5 stars

я как будто посмотрела несколько серий мультфильма, шикардосина
издание офигительное, тяжелое, яркое и красивое, много деталей, сцен, шутеек, очень здоровско
не перестану говорить как я тащусь от Ирмы, ну и от приключений девчонок
жду не дождусь появления Калеба и вонючки =D

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 24 April, 2021: Finished reading
  • 24 April, 2021: Reviewed