Hunting the Hunter by Shiloh Walker

Hunting the Hunter (Hunters, #1)

by Shiloh Walker

After two years, Kane Winter still doesn’t know what really happened the night his bounty hunting partner was murdered. What he does know is that there was a mysterious woman at the scene, and he won’t rest until he finds her...

Kendall is accustomed to vampire games. After all, she is one herself—part of an elite group of warriors who keep the other vamps in line by destroying the ones who prey on the weak and innocent. But now she’s the one being stalked...

When all trails lead to Kendall, Kane is consumed by a desire greater than vengeance—a hunger to possess this woman for himself. Together, they will travel down a dangerous path of seduction and surrender, until there are no rules left to break—and nowhere left to hide...

Reviewed by wyvernfriend on

3 of 5 stars

As an example of a vampire romance this isn't a bad one. However it has it's serious flaws. It meanders a lot and has issues with focus, jumping around the place instead of getting to the point. It's not a bad read, but it's not the best thing I've read and although I'd recommend it, I wouldn't wax too enthusiastic about it.

Kane, the hero, is an interesting character. Kendall is not a mint cake but the female lead, a vampire. She's a hunter and teamed with Kane's ex-partner Duke. A were-cat that Kane is certain is dead. Both Duke and Kendall are Hunters, people who police the supernatural community. The best character is Agnes, a 500 year old witch, although I'm not sure that she isn't an out for more solid plotting.

Yes, it's not the greatest reads but it earned an extra half point for keeping me up to finish it!

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Reading updates

  • Started reading
  • 21 August, 2007: Finished reading
  • 21 August, 2007: Reviewed