What the Woods Keep by Katya de Becerra

What the Woods Keep

by Katya de Becerra

On her eighteenth birthday, Hayden inherits her childhood home - on the condition that she uncover the dark secrets in the Colorado woods that surround it.

Hayden’s tried to put her past behind her. She lives in a comfy Brooklyn apartment with her best friend Del. But it’s all coming back for Hayden: her mother’s inexplicable disappearance a decade before, her father’s crackpot theories, and Hayden’s own dark dreams of strange rituals in the woods.

Now Hayden and Del must confront the secrets of Hayden’s past in a house that holds all the mysteries of her childhood - and might be the last protection against the dark powers in the surrounding woods.

This YA supernatural mystery with dark fantasy elements features a strong female friendship, a sizzling romance, and terrifying plot twists.

Reviewed by HekArtemis on

5 of 5 stars

Kind of reminded me of a mix between Witches of East End and Haven (the tv shows). Which is not a bad thing, I really enjoyed the story and the familiar feeling. The mix of urbanish fantasy, mystery and thriller were perfect for me. First person present tense was a bit odd, but I quickly got used to it and the addition of snippets of medical reports, letters and the like gives us readers extra info that the MC doesn't have - removing some of the limits that first person often has.

If she writes a sequel it will go near the top of Mount TBR.

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  • 2 May, 2019: Reviewed