Warm Up by V E Schwab

Warm Up (The Villains, #0.5)

by V.E. Schwab

From the New York Times bestselling author of the Shades of Magic series, The Near Witch, and The Archived, comes "Warm Up," a Tor.com Original prequel story to V. E. Schwab's Vicious

It's been 297 days since David died—and came back. He may have survived the avalanche, but the aftermath has been far worse. His wife moved out, taking his son with her, and a devastated David hasn't left his house since, terrified of the mysterious new power that followed him home from the ill-fated expedition. After months in seclusion, David's ready for a fresh start, and ventures out, determined to keep his power in check.

But David's power isn't the one he needs to worry about.

Reviewed by adamfortuna on

3 of 5 stars

This short story set in the same world as Villains was surprisingly good for such a brief read. While I enjoyed the long-form dive more, it helps empathize more with some of the struggles facing other characters in the world.

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  • 6 January, 2019: Reviewed