Reviewed by Linda on

3 of 5 stars

This review was originally posted on (un)Conventional Bookviews
Turning Back was so filled with intrigue it was difficult to see which way was up and which way was down.

Main feels for the beginning of Turning Back was kind of removed. I didn't feel any of the characters, and even their smexy scenes seemed a little clinical to me. I didn't really feel the hotness as I'd expected, and Bric acted like such an arse I wanted to skim his chapters, to tell you the truth.

The story in Turning Back is well written, and the theme of second chance is one I absolutely love. It took a while for me to think that Rochelle actually deserved a second chance, though. Because the way she left Quin behind was just mean. And Bric contributed to that - both because he had never told Quin about Rochelle's phone call, and because he kept some other things from Quin. To further his own agenda. As usual.

My favorite character in Turning Back was Kitty - Quin's mom. She was made of amazing, and she took no prisoners. Written in thriple point of view, with Quin, Bric and Rochelle each having their own chapters, I did get to understand their inner workings and motivations quite well. And towards the end, something completely clicked, and I fell for the characters and felt the feels I had been missing at the beginning.

It's funny, I think. That Smith doesn't trust me to be with Chella around him, but he does trust me to be with her alone. It's not her I want. It's certainly not him. But another... us. I could go for another round of us.

But this baby changes everything. I want her here. Things are different now. We're trying something new.

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  • Started reading
  • 12 April, 2017: Finished reading
  • 12 April, 2017: Reviewed