Thor Volume 2: Who Holds The Hammer? by Jason Aaron

Thor Volume 2: Who Holds The Hammer?

by Jason Aaron

"Who is Thor? That's the question on everyone's lips. Most especially Prince Odinson of Asgard. This volume, he starts to narrow down the list of suspects. Meanwhile, tensions continue to flare between the All-Mother and All-Father, Malekith forges his most dangerous pact yet, and Thor prepares to face her greatest challenge!"--provided from

Reviewed by inlibrisveritas on

4 of 5 stars

We finally get to find out who the badass woman in the helmet is in this set of issues!

This is the last set of Thor issues before the Secret Wars event (which is driving me crazy…) and as such we get a bit more character building for a dear hammer wielding dame. Odin is still pissed (when is he not at this point?) and has enlisted the help of Bor, his brother, and a certain metal defender to take down Thor. One of the things I was sort of worried about when I first started this second Thor series is that they were going to coddle her in some way, make all of her encounters easy and then call her badass. Nope. At no point has she had a fight so easy that she barely has to try. She gets beat up pretty badly and goes back for more, loses with hammer and keeps fighting, and definitely isn’t afraid to go up against something much bigger than her. I think Jason Aaron has done her justice and I can’t wait until Secret Wars ends so I can get her new series as well as the the All-New All-Different Avengers that will feature her.

Overall I think the way they have treated this character has been amazing. The respect that Thor Odinson gives her, but only after a well fought fight, was the cherry on top with this whole series. Her attitude and ‘must not back down’ mentality matches up so well with his that they’d honestly make a hell of a team, while still having enough of a difference between them that they’d probably butt heads quite a few times.

As for her identity, was it worth the wait? YES! I am completely and totally satisfied with who they picked to take up the mantle and honestly I think she was the best choice. If anything just knowing who she is just makes her that much more badass. I’m sad that I have to wait until the event ends in a few months before there will be anymore standalone Thor titles, but I have hopes it will definitely be worth the wait.

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  • Started reading
  • 4 June, 2015: Finished reading
  • 4 June, 2015: Reviewed