Sweetest Mistake by Candis Terry

Sweetest Mistake (Sweet, Texas, #2)

by Candis Terry

When friends become lovers ...Firefighter and former Marine Jackson Wilder has tough guy down to an art, but he's learned the hard way that promises were made to be broken. Abigail Morgan was once his best friend, his first kiss, his first love, his first everything. He'd just forgotten to mention all that to her and she blew out of his life. Five years later, she's back and he's battling a load of mistrust for her disappearing act. But for some reason he just can't keep his lips-or his hands-to himself. It can lead to disaster or ...When her stint as a trophy wife abruptly ends, Abby returns home to Sweet, Texas, and comes face-to-face with Jackson-her biggest and sexiest mistake. Time and distance did nothing to squash her love for the act-first-think-later stubborn hunk of a man, and when he suggests they renew their old just-friends vow, Abby realizes she wants more. She'd cut and run once. Could she do it again? Or could she tempt him enough to break his promise? The Sweetest Mistake

Reviewed by kimbacaffeinate on

4 of 5 stars

Coffee Dates with Sweetest Mistakes

First date: Firefighter and single Dad Jackson Wilder is taken by surprise to learn that his best friend, the girl he shared his first everything with is back in town after she up and left without a word five years ago. Abigail Morgan is home to close out her parents’ home and prepare it for sale. It is giving her a little time to reflect and put herself back together after a failed and dysfunctional marriage. Ooo right away Terry has me invested in these characters. Jackson is an all-around good guy, who has suffered loss, has nightmares from his time overseas and is trying to raise his daughter with his ex-wife. Abigail is sweet, damaged and has been in love with Jackson forever; I am so curious about her story. The chemistry is immediate, and I am already rooting for these two and looking for some chocolate.

Second date: Awe, and why? These two have issues, but beneath it all, it is so dang oblivious these two love each other. As they renew their friendship, I find myself laughing, sighing and wanting to slap Jackson upside his sexy head. I loved the sexual tension, miscommunication and fear these two have. Family and members of this wonderful small-town all offer opinions, and meddle making me smile and giggle. Can I just say Jackson’s daughter is the cutest princess ever! We get to learn more about another brother, and I cannot wait for his story. I love this small-town and hope we get many of their stories.

Third date: Abigail is going to have to hit Jackson over the head, send out smoke signals and lock that boy in her bedroom and kiss him senseless. Wouldn’t that be fun? I am flipping the pages, lost in this book. We have twists, turns, tears and danger. I am nibbling on chocolate and totally lost in Texas! Do not even think of interrupting me until these two sort things out!

Copy received from publisher in exchange for unbiased review that originally published @ Caffeinated Book Reviewer

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  • 22 May, 2014: Finished reading
  • 22 May, 2014: Reviewed