Peppa Pig and the Vegetable Garden by

Peppa Pig and the Vegetable Garden (Peppa Pig)

Gardening is more fun with Peppa!

Peppa and her little brother, George, love to help Grandpa Pig in the garden. They discover that everything grows from seeds planted in the dirt, and that even the apple that falls on Grandpa Pig’s head has seeds inside! Join the amiable Peppa and her spirited family as they shoo away birds and "monsta" snails, imitate butterflies and worms, make a scarecrow, and gather ingredients for a fresh salad — and Granny Pig’s delicious blackberry pie.

Reviewed by Briana @ Pages Unbound on

2 of 5 stars

So far I've read two Peppa Pig books, and they seem to be overly long stories about everyday events. One of my coworkers said her young children' complain the Peppa Pig books are boring, and I think they might be onto something.

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  • 21 March, 2018: Reviewed