Stork by Delsol Wendy


by Delsol Wendy

Oh baby! A hip heroine discovers that she has the ability to decide who gets pregnant in this witty YA blend of romance and the supernatural from a debut author.

Sixteen-year-old Katla has just moved from Los Angeles to the sticks of Minnesota. As if it weren’t enough that her trendy fashion sense draws stares, she learns to her horror that she’s a member of an ancient order of women who decide to whom certain babies will be born. Add to that Wade, the arrogant football star whom Katla regrettably fooled around with, and Jack, a gorgeous farm boy who initially seems to hate her. Soon Katla is having freaky dreams about a crying infant and learns that, as children, she and Jack shared a near-fatal, possibly mystical experience. Can Katla survive this major life makeover and find a dress for the homecoming dance? Drawing from Norse mythology and inspired by The Snow Queen by Hans Christian Andersen, debut author Wendy Delsol conceives an irreverent, highly entertaining novel about embracing change and the (baby) bumps along the way.

Reviewed by Terri M. LeBlanc on

3 of 5 stars

This novel follows many of the popular tropes in young adult novels today. A teenager doesn't fit into his/her surroundings and finds out he/she has a special gift or gifts. Said gifts set him/her apart from the rest, but the teenager is weirdly comfortable with the new norm and quickly falls in love. Bad things happen, people are out to get the special teenager and in the end everyone lives somewhat happily after, but wait there's a cliff hanger!

The unique aspect of this book was the use of Norse Mythology. It was the use of this bit of folklore that kept me reading and reading quickly. I do wish the author would have spent a bit more time explaining the mythology since it is not as well known as Greek and Roman mythology.

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  • Started reading
  • 15 July, 2012: Finished reading
  • 15 July, 2012: Reviewed