Reviewed by Caitiebelle on

3 of 5 stars

“Tell me what you want. Give me the opportunity to prove I can make you happy.”

The earth is under an alien invasion and Emily is a waitress who struggles to get by. She's got a lot of things on her mind - like the fact that the human males seem to not get much past 30 suddenly, her brother's gambling problems along with his dependency on her to feed and house his own wife and kids.

The world-building is interesting and I liked it. Phy is one of these aliens who has invaded earth and finds Emily suitable to become his...human mate.

Phy is not like human males though...

To be honest I didn't really see that much of the romance aspect here. I read this novella with a small sick feeling in my stomach, hehe. Not everything is as it seems and I felt that this was almost more like a thriller where not all is as it seems than it's a romance.

It was almost funny how simply he spoke of managing my life… as if he had a right to do it. “I’m not a pet, Phi. You can’t just take me off the street and keep me.” He turned his black shutter eyes full upon me and said, “But you want to come to my home, don’t you? You want to know more about me?” The markings on his face were darker than I remembered, distracting. Even his jaw seemed more masculine, more human. Had he always had full lips? Suddenly cloudy, my attention was totally lost on where we were or what we’d been talking about. “What?”

Phy is caring for Emily, but as with everything, there is a reason for that. Romance has in my eyes nothing to do with his caring - there is a suspense feeling throughout - which I did like.

I felt like I was kept on my toes throughout the story and I enjoyed that.

Emily is a strong female, her mind is stronger than what he thought, among other things.

The sex is great, he's very..shall we hehe. But our dear Phy is not equipped like human males. ;)

Stuffed full of writhing alien sex organ, pinched and prodded by a series of tentacle things, I’d caught my legs behind the knee and braced against the onslaught. I’d obeyed.

There is definitely an interesting alien cock here - which I found enjoyable to read about. So shoot me - but there you have it. ;)

All in all, I decided to give this novella 3*. I did like it, but it's not the best I have read from Addison Cain - I liked it for what it is, a short novella that had me slightly nervous about Phy's actual intentions but at the same time kept me captivated and I wanted to read more. The sex was interesting and a "new" experience.

Normally I devour everything from [a: Addison Cain|15164484|Addison Cain|] and though I don't think this novella is bad, it just didn't strike me the same way as some of her other work. :)

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  • Started reading
  • 16 January, 2020: Finished reading
  • 16 January, 2020: Reviewed